Another visit to Pleione star yesterday night. With the bright emission at halpha line, it shows various absorption lines with an interesting H beta
Zeta Tau Star Spectrum
So many absorption lines and look at that bright emission line at halpha wavelength.
A5 and Be Star Spectrum Comparison
Alpy 600 is a really nice slit spectrograph. Joined with 533 mono chip it shows nice spectrums.
Still learning how to use this optimally.. slit spectroscopy is not easy! Having the mount to keep the star (well most of it) in the slit is a task. Focusing with Edge HD scope is also not perfect since it has a lens in between which does its, well, lensy thing at different wavelengths.
But progress is being made.. hopefully will be able to go much fainter than these initial bright stars experiments.
Jupiter and Saturn Spectrum Comparison
It is interesting to note the spectrum of these two giant planets.. so many similarites there.. I used Alpy 600 Slit Spectrograph with Celestron Edge HD 8 and a Player one mono camera.