On the night of 13 October 2016, i observed an asteroid 22 Kelliope from 02:01am to 03:24am in 700-900nm wavelength band. My CCD camera was at -20 Celcius. The focal length of my imaging system is now at 4390mm and the image scale is 0.94 arcseconds per pixel.
Here is the path of this asteroid in stacked 114 images of 30 seconds of each exposure.
The line is the path which asteroid was on. You can tell that it was getting brighter on its way 'up'.
Here is the lightcurve of its 200nm Infrared band.
X axis is time in Julian Date and Y axis is Instrumental Magnitude scale.
You can see that when i started taking data, the asteroid was dimming and then it rose to almost half magnitude. This lightcurve shows the rotation of about one and a half hour period.
X axis is time in Julian Date and Y axis is Skyglow in ADU (analogue to digital units)
Interestingly, the sky glow was decreasing with time. This is perhaps because the moon was setting in the west and the city lights were switching off.. but i am not sure of the reason yet.