Prominence Animation, first attempt

Hi everyone, i used to do solar animations some time ago but that was with the legendary Losmandy Titan Mount.. which was fixed at my previous observatory and had a very good polar alignment. I remember that i did not feel any need of any nudge to the mount for more than 30 minutes. 

Now the more i am using Celestron Advanced VX mount, the more i am finding that it really should be called a mount for pros. Every time i take out the mount in the front courtyard and use only a compass to 'align' it to the north pole. There you go.. the mount is aligned and it works quite fine, even with a 2.5X barlow lens. I am happy with this mount!

I was testing this mount for making animations (9 july 2013).. following video is short.. okay.. very short, just 3 seconds. So folks if you want to enjoy it, right click on the video and choose 'Turn loop ON', it will keep repeating this movie clip and you would appreciated that something IS moving on the Sun!

By the way, i took me about 45 minutes to capture the video files, a few hours ot process them.. so these 3 seconds are one of your most important seconds in your life :-) 



Click on the image to play the video