oh i missed this file earlier.. here is a nice filament, images with 2.5X barlow.
More images from 20 August 2013
This is a mosaic of 5 images.. it was supposed to be a big panorama image but while imaging the disk, i missed a portion somewhere in between so had to cut it down to this image only.
Prominence - 20 August 2013
Yesterday seeing was a bit low than what i usually see here.. Here is a combined image of a prominence and the solar surface. Same equipment and processing routine: Lunt 60 telescope, Televue 2.5X barlow and DMK21 camera.
Solar Mosaic with Barlow - 17 August 2013
So i tried to cover as much Sun as i could in the time i had yesterday. Got eleven videos with DSSR and created this mosaic of the Sun. I have used 2.5X televue barlow here with my 60mm lunt solar scope.
Click an image to see it in full resolution.
Solar Images - 15 August 2013
These days sun is keeping itself very busy.. so many interesting features are up there.. this is my today's collection:
More images from 11 August
These are the two i could not process on 11 August. All of these are in inverted 'colors'.
Mosaic of a huge filament - 11 August 2013
Yesterday i captured the whole solar disk with a huge filament at prime focus.. today i used 2.5X barlow lens and made 9 videos of this huge filament, processed them and made a mosaic.. It took me about 5 hours to capture the videos and process them into these images. The comfort of point and shoot is not available for astro-images!
Solar Disk - 10 Aug 2013
Here is a mosaic of the sun, with lunt telescope and DMK21 camera. I removed televue barlow to record 4 videos at prime focus, processed them and made a mosaic in Photoshop.
Small sunspots today - 19 July 2013
I spotted very small sunspots in lunt telescope today.. here is an image of them.
Last image today - 18 July 2013
This is the last image i took today. So much is happening on the Sun these days.. good for us!
More images - 18 July 2013
Here is another vibrant area today on the Sun.
Sunspot and Halpha details
Here is an area of a sunspot region and its surrounding.. in four different flavors.
Prominence Today - 16 July 2013
okay.. today was a good day for solar imaging and bad day on my software learning. I first captured a single video of this prominence and then went on recording several videos with a wonderful software, DSSR, Dave Solar System Recorder. These past days i was using my VX mount's hand controller to keep the sun in the view while recording. DSSR is pure magic to me.. it was tracking the sun and was doing it so well! I came inside to avoid the heat.
After i finished recording, i noticed that every video was less than 200 frames, instead of 1000 frames! I cannot use these videos.. these are all full of noise and very low data. There goes another attempt on animating a prominence. I should spent more time in learning everything in this software.
Anyway folks.. enjoy this image.
Solar Prominence Today - 13 July
Seeing is pretty soft today.. i could only capture this image.
Best prominence today - 11 July 2013
This is the best prominence today.. big fire on the Sun.
Flying bird filament - 11 July 2013
Sure seems to me.. a flying bird filament.
AR 1785 - 11 July 2013
So this active region has crossed all the face of the sun and now is very close to the limb before it disappears from our view.. This is how it is looking today.
AR 1785 - 10 July 2013
So here is its picture again today. I have captured some quick videos of a prominence today and i will try to make an animation of of these AVIs. But, the method i use, it will take something like 4-5 hours to complete it.
Prominence - 9 July 2013
I imaged it yesterday.. this is how it has changed after about 24 hours.. seeing was getting worst so the sharpness is somewhat lost here.
AR 1785 - 9 July 2013
AR 1785 today.. the sky is all grey here and the seeing is also not very good. With my 8 bit camera it is very hard to not to overexpose the plage regions while keeping the surface bright enough to see the details. Hence i have 'burnt' some pixels here.. DMK21 is a good camera but i am looking for a better one these days.. something like LSI.